Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My SAHD journey began with one simple choice. Did Sherree and I want someone else to raise our children or did we want to do what it took to do it ourselves? Well after we had talked about it for all of 2 minutes, we made the choice that one of us would stay home, but the hard part of exactly how to do it now came into play.

First Sherree and I would need to adjust the financial aspect of it. One of us had to quit our job and considering she has been working for the City for so long and has such good benefits, we decided that I would be the one to do it. So we took Natalie out of daycare and after Sherree's pregnancy time at home had been used, I quit my job.

With such a drastic decrease in income, we found that it was extremely difficult at first to budget everything in, but after we put the house up for sale and moved to a place where our monthly rent was nearly have the cost as our mortgage... things began to fall into place.

Now that the fincial part was taken care of to the best of our ability, the truly hard part began for me. I thought it would be no problem to watch two babies under the age of two, but was I soooo wrong!